
鎧俠提供儲存技術和解決方案來支援最新的 SSD,例如安全解決方案和軟體定義解決方案,使 SSD 能夠在整個網路中共用。

鎧俠固態硬碟 (SSD) 產品系列採用 BiCS FLASH™ 3D 快閃記憶體,為個人電腦、企業伺服器儲存以及雲端資料中心提供最佳化的 SSD 產品。

Memory × Brain science

We are conducting joint research with Massachusetts Institute of Technology on signal processing systems for neuroscience.

Neuroscience research calls for faster analysis of large quantities of data. KIOXIA is contributing to advances in neuroscience by accelerating data analysis in the research cycle by using high-speed, high-capacity SSDs.



You can download past product information, white papers, and data sheets, etc.


Please contact us if you have any technical questions, requests for materials, are interested in samples or purchases of business products (Memory, SSD), etc.